Monday, June 23, 2008

Thing 4 - Photosharing with Flickr

Wow, it's amazing what you can find on Flickr. I've been looking though some old photos recently and thought I might search for Nesna, my mother's birthplace in Norway. It's a very small town so I didn't think much would come up, but I got 187 results. It's still a small result set (there are over 600,000 results if you just put in Norway), but I am amazed that Norwegian photographers are using Flickr. I guess I shouldn't be, everything on the web is so international now. The thing is, they are all such beautiful pictures. Most likely they are all professional photos and not the tourist snapshots that I might get if I searched Oslo, for example. Still, I feel like any of my pictures would pale next to the stuff here on Flickr. But here's the really cool part: One of those photographers has a link on his profile to genealogy site of the region and I found my grandfather listed!

OK, so here's one of the pictures I found on his Flickr page. I am very confused as to how to attach Flickr photos that aren't mine. It worked to just copy the image location (Thanks, Sarah) but the rules say we should have a link back to Flickr and the HTML code is not there if it's not your picture. Anyway to give credit: This is "Tomma seen from Nesna" copied from Frode's pix on Flickr. I will experiment more with other ways to add pictures.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Small world, isn't it?