Friday, July 25, 2008

Thing 7: Web 2.0 Communication Tools

Of course we have used email in the library for years. Can't remember how we lived without it. I tried out IM with some coworkers. It's a quick, easy way to communicate, but you have to be sure that the other person is online and logged in. I don't do texting, it takes too long to find the right keys on my phone. I did try it for the ALA awards in January. I would rather have gotten an email with all the awards listed instead of a bunch of separate text messages. I can't imagine trying to use it for library reference. I guess I'll leave that for the young. I haven't really done web conferencing either. I can see that it could be useful and save travel time, but even getting time during a busy day to participate can be difficult. I listened to part of a couple of archived programs on OPAL to get a feel for it. Lots of stuff out there.

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